Monday 22 December 2014


Hello, hello, helloooooo you people of today, and today I have no clue what to write about. So I'm just going to talk about MY CHRISTMAS.

Christmas Eve
10-30 AM - 4-30 PM : Tidying, cleaning, dusting, clearing, arranging... Generally preparing the house for the insaneness of the next day.

Approx. 4-45 PM : My parents' friend arrives to chat and there is much biscuits and presents.

6-00 PM : My parents' friend leaves and my grandparents arrive.

7-00 PM : Nice, quiet family dinner.

8-00 PM : Leaving out biscuits and milk for Santa, cos who wants to grow up?

9-00 PM : Being herded to bed (way too early) by adults who just want to sleep.

Christmas Day
7-30 AM : The only day of the year I get out of bed willingly before 11. Running downstairs to look at the presents.

7-45 AM : First breakfast (cereal)

8-30 AM : The lazy parentals finally awake and we (me and ma bro) rip open all the stocking presents.

9-30 AM : My grandparents wake up and come downstairs.

10-00 AM : Second breakfast (toast, croissants, chocolate coins from stockings and satsumas)

11-00 AM : Me and the sibling open presents from far away family we're not gonna see

12-00 NOON : My cousin, Auntie and Uncle arrive and that is when it gets crazy

1-30 PM : Walk before lunch

2-00 PM : Massive lunch/dinner thing that lasts till about 9, with more presents between food

Approx. 9-00 PM: Bedtime for the kiddies! (yay, not.)

So that’s it for today, whether Octavia shall appear tomorrow is a mystery to all of us, and always will be, lolz ;) 

Molly says bye 

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